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Image by Markus Spiske

What We Do

Sunday Worship Service

You're Invited every Sunday 9:30am at the Apple Tree Creek Memorial Hall. If you can't make it we usually record our messages, you'll find them on our Youtube channel. It's a wonderful time of praise, prayer, connection and allowing God to do His work. We're imperfect people loved by a perfect God. We typically sing modern songs but still use the classics. The service runs for about 1.5 hours followed by morning tea and fellowship, we'd love it if you could stay and let us get to know and encourage you. We have delicious food and there's often birthday cake. If you let Him, God can change your life, give Him a chance. If you have any questions about our service, send us a message below.

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Kingdom Kids

Children are special indeed. Our Kids Church runs every second and fourth Sunday of the month (subject to change) during the sermon/teaching part of the service. Open to all children from Prep to 14 years of age. Our church is committed to child safety. We have policies, procedures and protocols in place for safeguarding children. All teachers hold a valid blue card. Kids church is a practical way to teach children the truth about God and His love. Did we mention it's also a lot of fun with crafts, games, DVDs, stories and even the occasional performance given during the church service. For more information or to register, send your enquiry by clicking below.

Life's Precious Moments

Life has many special, precious and delicate moments. Pastor Nigel is available to serve you and your family:

  • Marriage Preparation 

  • Weddings

  • Baby Dedications

  • Water Baptisms

  • Exorcisms

  • Funerals

May God bless you richly.

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Global Care Childers

Global Care is the charity arm of the INC (International Network of Churches) to which we belong. It's about MATES HELPING MATES. Our local operation currently provides low-cost groceries and food hampers. We are open and available to anyone. No referrals or membership is required. If you'd like to pick up some bargain groceries come and check us out. EFTPOS is available. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Let us know if you can help with a donation of or discounted produceLearn more by clicking below.

Bible Study

FREE Bible Study runs Saturday mornings from 9am (at the Apple Tree Creek Memorial Hall). The first hour is for learning the basics with Fundamental Foundation teaching. This is for the Alpha Course when it's being run. This is perfect if you'd like to better understand the core beliefs of Christianity and tackle the big topics of life. No question is too big or small for open discussion. Click here for more about Alpha. After a morning tea break, you're welcome to stay for a Diving Deeper session that finishes at approximately 11:30am. Let us know if you'd like to attend either or both sessions. Enquiries to Greg on 0412 390 052.

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Life Groups

An important part of our faith journey involves meeting together regularly for encouragement, teaching, learning and accountability. Life Groups are perfect for this outside of the Sunday Service. They are smaller groups that encourage deep friendships and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. God can and does do amazing things when invited. You will learn so much as you dive into God's Word and watch each other mature in Christ. You can share your life with trusted friends, pray for one another and be healed in a loving atmosphere. We're not meant to walk this life of faith alone. We can not understate the power of small groups doing life together with God. You will be blessed. Did we mention it's fun and there's usually delicious food too. Your spiritual growth will soar when you join a life group. Our first group meets Wednesday nights 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Enquire Now.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Prayer Meeting

Prayer is powerful and vital for our relationship with the Lord and done privately and together. It is speaking to God. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God (Philippians 4:6 NKJV). Please join us before church each Sunday at 9am for corporate prayer. You are welcome to bring your prayer requests. Praying together encourages everyone and builds our faith. Everyone is welcome. If you have a prayer request you'd like to share, let us know by clicking below. 

Image by Jack Sharp

The Imagine Project

Imagine what's possible with God. Imagine the Apple Tree Creek Memorial Hall fully renovated and available for the benefit of the local community. The vision is big but so is God. Imagine a well-equipped community hall used for our church and programs that touch lives, heal broken relationships and build community. Imagine a low-cost grocery store inside the hall. Imagine a Bible College where God's Word is taught. Imagine a community garden. Imagine a beautiful hall that can be used for conferences, weddings and events. The Imagine Project is all this and more. If you'd like to help by partnering with us please make a Donation or Contact us. 

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Not much can happen without volunteers. To run the church and Global Care Childers, we need people to give their time, effort and talents for the work. Volunteering is a wonderful way to connect with others and be part of something bigger that God is doing. We have a large range of positions available. Many are made known on this website page. But there are no little or insignificant jobs when all are done for the Lord's work. We have property to maintain and cleaning to do. If you'd like to help, please reach out to us and we'll get you on a suitable roster. Thank you for serving. 

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